• MPAC Cautiously Welcomes Provisional Ceasefire Between Israel and Hamas

    Read our Statement on the recently announced Ceasefire Agreement

    Read the Statement
  • MPAC Joins Coalition Opposing TikTok Ban Ahead of Supreme Court Hearing

    “Advocating for free speech and equal rights, MPAC challenges the unjust silencing of marginalized communities.

    See Our Full Statement
  • MPAC Launches Administration Officials Tracker

    MPAC’s new Tracking and Transparency initiative monitors administration appointees’ actions, words, and policies impacting American Muslims. Through tracking, analysis, and advocacy, we’re building a digital platform to ensure accountability and transparency in leadership. Together, we can uphold fairness, dignity, and justice for all.

    View the Tracker
  • MPAC Responds to White House Islamophobia Strategy

    After much talk, the White House has finally released its National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hate.

    Read our full response now.

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American Muslims have been here since the beginning. From enslaved Africans brought here against their will to recent immigrants arriving to chase the American dream, our communities represent the most racially, ethnically, and economically diverse faith group in the entire country. Join us in our work to ensure our community is seen, heard, and understood from Washington to Hollywood.

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We are American Muslims with expertise in policy, advocacy, and media working to improve the perceptions of Muslims from Capitol Hill to Hollywood.

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We change how America views Islam and Muslims by working directly with government, Hollywood, and American Muslim communities.

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