• A Historic Win: LA Passes Our Human Security Resolution!

    In a historic move led by the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the LA City Council passed the Human Security Resolution in recognition of the Four Freedoms–Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear, Freedom of Expression, and Freedom of Worship.

    Read our full update here
  • MPAC Delivers Testimony on Religious Freedom Violations at USCIRF Hearing

    MPAC's VP of Policy and Programming Haris Tarin joined USCIRF to deliver testimony about the horrific violations of religious freedom committed by non-state actors worldwide. He highlighted how non-state actors, fueled by unchecked nationalism and online hate, are targeting vulnerable religious communities across the globe

    Read our full update here
  • Applications for MPAC's Congressional Leadership Development Program (CLDP) are now open!

    At a politically intense moment in our nation’s history, nurturing the next generation of Muslim leaders is more important than ever. CLDP offers a unique opportunity to advance your career on Capitol Hill by claiming your seat at the table and redefining what it means to be Muslim in America.

    Learn more about CLDP here
  • We Need Your Help

    Do your part in supporting an end to the siege and protecting Palestinian human rights.

    Click here to Take Action

Take Your Seat at the Table

American Muslims have been here since the beginning. From enslaved Africans brought here against their will to recent immigrants arriving to chase the American dream, our communities represent the most racially, ethnically, and economically diverse faith group in the entire country. Join us in our work to ensure our community is seen, heard, and understood from Washington to Hollywood.

Who We Are

We are American Muslims with expertise in policy, advocacy, and media working to improve the perceptions of Muslims from Capitol Hill to Hollywood.

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We change how America views Islam and Muslims by working directly with government, Hollywood, and American Muslim communities.

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