A Historic Win: LA Passes Our Human Security Resolution!

November 27, 2024 News & Updates

On Tuesday, November 19th, the City of Los Angeles reaffirmed its commitment to uphold the human rights of all Angelenos. In a historic move led by the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the LA City Council passed the Human Security Resolution in recognition of the Four Freedoms–Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear, Freedom of Expression, and Freedom of Worship

For the past two years MPAC President Salam Al-Marayati has engaged local leaders on our Human Security Campaign, supported by the efforts of Umar Hakim-Dey, MPAC consultant and Executive Director of INKERIJ Foundation, and in partnership with Aziza Hasan, Executive Director of NewGround: A Muslim-Jewish Partnership for Change. They met with city officials to re-establish local Muslim civic engagement and develop a resolution that would ensure the fundamental rights of the people of Los Angeles are protected and upheld.

“When free speech is threatened, that is a responsibility of all of us. Freedom of speech is what allows freedom of worship and freedom of religion. Freedom of speech is what allows freedom from fear and freedom from want, and we must guarantee that these freedoms are protected. That is the objective of the Human Security Resolution.”

Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC President

“When you look at this Human Security Resolution today, this is our sheet, our humanity is the precious stone, and we’re all gathered here today to carry this in and to take it to the next level.”

Umar Hakim-Dey, MPAC Consultant | INKERJ Foundation

We thank Los Angeles City Councilmember Katy Yaroslavsky and our community partners for their support in the drafting and passage of our Human Security Resolution.

We are hopeful that this moment will drive meaningful engagement and intentional dialogue between LA city officials, community faith leaders, and Angelenos to develop a long-term vision for a human secured city.

You can build a future free from fear and bigotry.

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