Press-Citizen Publishes MPAC-Iowa Chair’s Op-ed on Killing of U.N. Workers in Afghanistan

April 20, 2011

The Iowa Press-Citizen recently published MPAC-Iowa Chair Shams Ghoneim’s op-ed “Religious leaders should be role models of love,” which reflects on the recent heinous and senseless killing of U.N. workers in Afghanistan.

“All Muslims of good faith were stunned by the wanton and ongoing violence and murder as of 24 innocent people in Afghanistan -- including seven U.N. workers -- were killed by a mob responding to the burning of the Quran two weeks earlier in Florida.

Members of the Muslim Public Affairs Council -- along with Muslim leaders across the nation -- described this heinous act as "barbaric, atrocious and senseless.

These horrific attacks are in direct opposition to core Islamic teachings of the sanctity of human life and call for responding to hateful acts and speech with better acts and speech. Those misguided political leaders and imams in Afghanistan who encouraged such murderous acts are a disgrace to Islam and Quranic teachings.

Florida-based extremist Pastor Terry Jones' decision to burn a Quran on March 20 -- despite warnings from the Obama administration and a broad spectrum of mainstream Christian leaders -- was reckless and deplorable. But it in no way justifies any type of violence. Quran burning accomplished nothing, not even serving his twisted goal of promoting Christianity while denigrating Islam.

This was not the first time that Jones attempted to burn Muslims' holy book. In late August of 2010, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates personally warned Jones that his plans on the anniversary of 9/11 would put the lives of American troops in danger. Jones eventually canceled this ill-advised and disgusting act.

One must ask, "What did this pastor -- a religious figure -- hope to accomplish with such act? Did he just want publicity no matter what the cost to his fellow citizens and to all our sons and daughters in combat?" He, in fact. deliberately put our own brave men and women in uniform in harms way -- as well as offending 1.5 billion people globally.

Today some legislative leaders from both sides of the aisle have suggested that formal action be taken against Jones. Gen. David Petraeus said that Jones' actions compromised U.S. operations in Afghanistan. Afghan and Western officials cited increasing evidence that insurgents had seized the opportunity to infiltrate crowds of demonstrators, concealing themselves with others who otherwise would have marched peacefully. In a largely illiterate society, rumors fly higher and in the absence of accessible and reliable news, they become front and center.

Jews, Christians and Muslims are the descendants of the prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) and they are each other's keepers. They should all respect one another and work together for the good of our communities and nation.

It is incumbent on all religious leaders across all faiths being a role model of love, respect and understanding -- and not agents of division, extremism and hate. Muslims respect and honor the Christian and Jewish faith and prophets. Islam is not a new religion, but a continuation of the teachings of Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Noah, David, Mohamed and all other prophets since Adam (peace and blessings be upon all of them).

I would respectfully remind Jones of some of the honorable teachings from the Christian Apocryhpha: "Do no evil and evil will not overtake you; avoid wickedness, and it will turn aside from you. Sow not in the furrows of injustice, lest you harvest it sevenfold" (Sirach 7: 1-3).



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