
Collaboration or Cancellation? Shaping the Image of Islam and Muslims in Hollywood

american muslims
Camp X-Ray
deana nassar
hollywood muslims
mpac hollywood bureau
Muslim Public Affairs Council (Organization)
peter sattler
zahra billoo
On December 31, 2014 By MPAC
-- A session from MPAC's 2014 Convention -- To get better stories told, we believe American Muslims must be involved in the creative process and engaged with Hollywood creators on projects that explore our community. The panelists bring a broad range of experiences and perspectives on the perceptions of Muslims in Hollywood. The panel featured: Ahmos Hassan, Chairman of MPAC's Hollywood Bureau Peter Sattler, Writer and Director of "Camp X-Ray" Zahra Billoo, Executive Director of CAIR-SFBA Moderator: Deana Nassar, MPAC Hollywood Liaison
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Let’s Be Honest: Tackling Taboos in the American Muslim Community

bayon claremont
hind makki
islamic center of new york city
jihad saafir
jihad turk
khalid latif
Marwa Aly
rami nashashibi
side entrance
On December 23, 2014 By MPAC
-- A session from MPAC's 2014 Convention -- Through our series of "Let's Be Honest" conversations with communities across the country, we've learned the importance of openly discussing pressing concerns considered taboo in the American Muslim community. How can we move the needle forward on issues such as racism, the generational and cultural divide, mental disorders, and domestic violence? The panel featured: Marwa Aly, Co-Producer of “UnMosqued” documentary Khalid Latif, Executive Director (Imam) of the Islamic Center of New York University Hind Makki, Founder of the Side Entrance blog Rami Nashashibi, Executive Director of the Inner-City Muslim Action Network Jihad Saafir, Imam of Masjid Ibaadillah in Los Angeles Moderator: Jihad Turk, President of Bayan Claremont Islamic Graduate School
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