
Muslims are on the frontlines fighting hate | Haris Tarin on FOX

Bill O'Reilly (TV Writer)
Charlie Hebdo (Newspaper)
charlie hebdo attack
Council On American–Islamic Relations (Nonprofit Organization)
Fox News
haris tarin
Muslim Public Affairs Council (Organization)
paris attack
On January 13, 2015 By MPAC
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly invited MPAC's Haris Tarin and CAIR's Hussam Ayloush to discuss terrorism in the wake of the Paris attack against a satirical newspaper.
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Keynote by Rais Buhyian, Subject of “The True American”

Anand Giridharadas
Rais Buhyian
The New York Times (Newspaper)
The True American: Murder and Mercy in Texas
United States Of America (Country)
On December 31, 2014 By MPAC
-- Keynote from MPAC's 2014 Convention -- Listen to American Muslim, Rais Buhyian, talk about his inspiring journey of mercy and redemption. Bhuiyan is a renowned peace activist, most widely recognized for his efforts to prevent the execution of white-supremacist, Mark Stroman who shot Bhuiyan in a spree of vengeance just ten days after the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Bhuiyan responded to this traumatic event by forgiving his attacker and spearheading a campaign, World Without Hate, which aims to raise cross-cultural awareness of victims who have suffered from such hate crimes.
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The Crisis of ISIS: Failed Policies or Perverted Ideology?

haris tarin
Imam Qazwini
Juan Cole (Author)
Sherman Jackson (Author)
Violent Extremism
On December 31, 2014 By MPAC
-- A session from MPAC's 2014 Convention -- With the incessant violence in the Middle East caused by violent extremism, Muslims are asking each other a major question: “What can we do?” It feels overwhelming, but there's a lot we can do. This panel looks at the root causes, failed policies and ideological perversions which has lead to the creation and success if ISIS to capture the imagination and shock the conscience of the world. Panelists include: Juan Cole, Professor and Curator of Informed Comment blog Zaher Shahloul, President of Syrian American Medical Society Imam Qazwini, Islamic Educational Center of Orange County Mudassar Ahmad, Concordia Moderator Haris Tarin, MPAC DC Office Director Concluding remarks by Sherman Jackson, Professor and Scholar
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MPAC 2014 Gala

american muslims
Anand Giridharadas
Islam (Religion)
Rais Bhuiyan
The Reminders
True Americans
On December 31, 2014 By MPAC
MPAC's 2014 Convention Gala highlights the inspiring story of Rais Bhuiyan, an American Muslim shot in the head by a white supremacist. Compelled by his faith, Rais led a campaign to spare the life of the man who tried to kill him. This story of mercy and redemption was turned into a book by New York Times columnist Anand Giridharadas, and is now being made into a major motion picture. Also, watch the highlights of MPAC's 2014 successes, hear from MPAC's leadership and watch the dynamic husband and wife duo, the Reminders.
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