We Will Not Be Silenced

June 28, 2016

Dear Friend, 

They're at it again, anti-Muslim bigots who want to silence our community and pass legislation to treat us as suspects. This time it’s being led by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in a congressional hearing.

Cruz criticizes President Obama’s decision to adopt MPAC’s recommendation to use the phrase violent extremism instead of ”Radical Islam” when referring to the ISIS threat. Cruz wants to associate ISIS and violence with Islam. He is of course blind to right-wing terrorism in America.

During the hearing, Cruz called on witnesses who attacked MPAC, insinuating that we are lobbyists for overseas organizations. On the one hand, it's disheartening that some of our national legislators call us a foreign group when MPAC has a great track record of working for America. We refuse funds from overseas organizations or governments. We founded the American Muslim identity. We work for America, period.

On the other hand, it's a badge of honor to be attacked by right-wing zealots. Any time we gain credibility and influence in Washington, they use diversion tactics and mudslinging to mask the real issues. They complain that we have too many meetings in The White House. They complain that we are too effective at creating change. Isn't that the litmus test of a successful advocacy organization? Perhaps we threaten their bigoted interests, but American Muslims and our vital contributions are a benefit to America!

I need your help so we can continue to work for you, for America. We need to raise $120,000 towards our Ramadan fundraising goal. Help us reach it and count yourself among this group by making a gift of $250 or more during these last 10 days of Ramadan.

We have an outpour of support from so many friends throughout our country. It’s because we have consistently been bold in speaking the truth:

O you who have attained to faith! Remain conscious of God, and [always] speak with a will to bring out [only] what is just and true. Quran 33:70

MPAC makes Muslims part of the solution in creating a safer, more inclusive America. They should listen to you and me!


Salam Al-Marayati




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