Project Islam Workshop in Atlanta, GA

July 14, 2006

Saturday July 22, 2006
10am - 1pm

Southern Polytechnic State University
Atlanta, GA

Salam Al-Marayati, Executive Director, MPAC
Edina Lekovic, Communications Director, MPAC
Ahmed Younis, National Director, MPAC




The attacks on Islam and Muslims have intensified immensely in the past year within the media, the political arena, and by religious extremists.

In fact, those who are defaming Islam and Muslims are doing so through severely distorting Quranic verses, Hadiths, as well as events in Islamic History. However such distortion is not simply happening by non-Muslims but by a minority of Muslims as well who have taken an extremist interpretation of the religion, and as a result of extensive media attention, have been falsely presented as the majority.

So in an effort to strengthen our knowledge about Islam and provide the appropriate training on understanding the origins of these attacks as well as how to effectively address them, the Muslim Public Affairs Council has created an interactive workshop entitled "Project Islam."

This ongoing project, with the motto "training the trainers" was first presented to the MPAC members on August 25th in a four and a half hour seminar. The goal with this workshop as with all the workshops we conduct at MPAC is to train those in attendance effectively so that they may go and train others in their local area. Such featured speakers at the training session included Dr. Maher Hathout, Senior Advisor of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Dr. Aslam Abdullah, Chief Editor of the Minaret Magazine, and Salam Al-Marayti, Executive Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council.

The first Project Islam Workshop was a great success with a full audience and was aired on PBS on the Jim Lehrer News Hour.

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